Oracle Database Machine: Let the value of the data back to the user "first principles"

Oracle Database Machine: Let the value of the data back to the user "first principles"

"First Principle" is a philosophical term put forward by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, and its original meaning is: there is a most basic proposition in every system, which cannot be violated.

From the perspective of enterprise digitalisation, the "First Principle" represents a return to the roots and essence of business, and starts from the point of need, which is meant to be a customer perspective. Because what enterprises need is the ability to solve problems, not the technology itself, which brings new thinking: no matter how obscure and mysterious the technology is, what customers get should be the simplest results.

The premise of digitalisation is data, and the essence of digital transformation is to give full play to the value of data. So, the database that carries the value of data, in the end, should be in what kind of system can play the greatest ability, and give customers the simplest, harvest data value of the method?

The answer, in fact, is Oracle database machine (Oracle Database Appliance).

A simpler way to stimulate the value of data

First of all, let's talk about data, the significance of today's era.

First of all, the era of data explosion, the future has come. According to IDC forecast, the global data volume will be as high as 175ZB in 2025. among them, China's data volume is growing the most rapidly, which is expected to increase to 48.6ZB in 2025, accounting for 27.8% of the global data circle, with an average annual growth rate of 3% faster than that of the world. By then, China will become the largest data circle in the world.

Secondly, in the era of digital economy, data has been incorporated as the fifth category of production factors, and data is not only an important infrastructure for the development of the national economy, but also the core support and driving force to promote the development of the digital economy. With the opening of the digital transformation of thousands of industries, the value positioning of enterprise data will continue to rise. Enterprises are recognising the importance of data, which has changed from an extra product of business operations to a key element in the evolution of individuals, organisations and society.

Databases are the "key components" of data that are accessed, analysed and processed. The path to maximising the performance of data is to maximise the use of databases.

Many people on the database itself, in fact, there is a certain degree of solidified cognition that the database is a software product, so in order to make the database to play a greater capacity, will choose to work on the combination of hardware, and even through the application layer of technology to stimulate the performance of the database.

This kind of system processing is not completely undesirable, for example, large Internet companies with excellent technical teams will usually take the way of self-built systems to strengthen the carrying capacity of the database, and to bear the burden of operation and maintenance problems caused by the massive stacking of hardware.

But the same approach is obviously not applicable to the vast majority of traditional enterprises in the midst of digital transformation. For traditional enterprises, the point of digital transformation is to drive business innovation through digitalisation, not digital technology itself. They prefer simpler models to unlock the performance of their databases.